Video Marketing

calendar Aug. 02, 2024
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Arev Khamoyan

Content Writer

Summary.Video content has become one of the most important parts of modern marketing. This is because of the many benefits...more

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Mastering Video Marketing: Strategies for Impactful Content

Video marketing’s arrival in the world was a surprise at the time. It can seem strange, but it’s related to a baseball game. Its start we can consider the 1st of July, 1941. This date was the birth of the first-ever television ad. It was in the USA, New York City. The simple, 10-second length video introduced the Bulova watch and clock-making company. The video appeared on TV before the Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Phillies game on WNBT (now known as WNBC).

Have you ever wondered why you see so many ad videos around yourself? Because it’s more likely that you will remember them. The effectiveness of video marketing is proven scientifically․ 

So, what is video marketing? The article will discuss the answer and not only. Let’s discover how this method has become crucial to modern marketing.

Types of Marketing Videos

Creativity is never too much for marketing. The growing competition in the market makes us find new ways to be creative. Marketing video production brings countless ways. It creates strong connections between brands and consumers.

Video marketing is a strategy. It promotes brands, services, and products by using video content. It enhances the power of visual storytelling. It proves that it’s an essential component of modern marketing campaigns.

Do you know a brand that doesn’t want to make a substantial impact? It’s an essential point for every brand. With good video content, brands can stick in people's memories. Sometimes, marketing videos use the strategy of nostalgia
So, how else can a brand get its position in the market? There are, of course, many more ways. But everything starts with the recognition of a brand.

Time shows that this strategy is beneficial. Now, we can see a lot of marketing videos. We’ll refer to those that are most used in the marketing industry:

  • Explainer Videos
  • Product Demos
  • TestimonialsBrand Films
  • Live Streaming
  • Educational or How-To Videos
  • Interviews
  • Event Coverage
  • Video Ads.

Let’s see how each of these types is being used. 

Explainer Videos

How to introduce a business idea, a brand, or a product. We can find different ways. But how to make sure that we are giving the whole concept of our product. When promoting something new, an explanation of a product is a must. An explainer video is a way to do this. It does a lot of things at the same time. First, it explains the benefits most easily. For this, it needs a good script. When we add impactful audio-visual effects, it’s becoming magical.  

What is very important is that people like explainer videos. Everyone needs something that will break down complex information. Also, its shortness brings a lot of views. It’s a way to create brand awareness, connect with the audience and engage. Explainer videos are for memorable impact. They will show all the creativity of a brand and how unique the brand is.

What else can explainer videos do? They explain complex ideas. They make a brand famous. They build trust. We can list endlessly, but one of the most important things is creating an interest. It leaves a place to explore a brand and find out new information. After that, explainer videos will bring more benefits.

Product Demos

Product demo videos are the method that finds potential customers for a brand. It shows how a product solves a particular problem. We can describe it as a visual presentation of a product. It gives step-by-step introductions.

To make a good product demo, we should mention a brand's benefits. It has become one of the best ways to meet a product with its potential consumers.

Imagine a situation. You have a problem. And you know that the problem you have is general. After you have an idea, you are sure it solves that problem. In this part, a product demo will build trust in your solution. It will make people believe that you offer what they are looking for.

Professional script and high-quality visuals will demonstrate your solution the best. It will highlight key features of your product. Eye-catching visuals and audio effects will leave a strong impact. And the impact will become your product’s welcome in the market


If you want something to grow your brand’s credibility, you need this type of video. A testimonial video is one of the best ways to inspire trust in potential clients. It helps to discover countless benefits of storytelling.

A testimonial video is like a case study, success, or a customer story. It turns classic customer reviews into a screen discussing a product or a service. In testimonial videos, satisfied clients usually talk about a product. The footage becomes advice from one client to another client. What else can be more inspiring?

There’s another way to create a testimonial video. At this time, their stories are sharing employees of a brand. They are telling the values of their firm. With these videos, we become a part of a firm. We meet people who are directly working on a product that we use. This creates a strong connection between a brand and its clients. Also, seeing the company's atmosphere leaves its impact.

In short, testimonials are a means of communication between people with the same ties. They’re all tied to the same brand. And sharing their experiences. What else can be more trust-building? In addition to all this, the key to a good testimonial is honesty!

Brand Films

This video marketing strategy is a brand story that is told through video. A film dedicated to your brand. Or a film where the main character is your brand. Usually, brand films are short videos. Their mission is to convey the values and messages of a brand. Visualizations and audio effects will transfer the idea to its target audience.

But what’s the difference between standard video advertising and brand film? Brand films don’t sell a product directly. Instead, they explain what they are selling. They show us the core of a brand.

Here’s an example of a brand film. Imagine you are telling your brand’s story. What made you fund the brand, and what changes would it make? You can show that your brand is fighting against stereotypes, for example. Or making the changes that everyone needs. This is one of the best target strategies in digital marketing. It will create a connection. And people will try to make changes or fight against something by encouraging your brand.

And this sort of video can serve as a good source of inspiration.

Live Streaming

Live streaming allows connecting with potential customers in real time. It’s such an effective way to engage the audience directly. This becomes an interesting experience both for viewers and brands. Viewers can ask their questions about a product and get answers during a live stream. Through comments and likes, viewers can express their reactions. That makes live streaming effective for collecting feedback quickly.

This type of marketing video production inspires more trust in the brand. It’s because people see unedited content. It feels differently. Live streams engage clients with Q&A sessions, polls, and comments. This way, clients feel heard and valued. In any case, it's all arranged for them, right?

Educational or How-To Videos

Here’s another way to show your care to your clients. Educational or how-to videos will do it the best. Because it shows that the brand has done research. These videos will answer the most frequently asked questions. It’s becoming a multi-beneficial tool because it’s also a good customer support solution.

Another job of how-to videos is simplifying complex topics. In this way, it builds trust and authority towards a brand. What else can bring the position to the market? It engages, educates, and helps both clients and brands.

What makes how-to videos popular? When the question is about an action, it’s easier to show than tell. And something else! “How to do something” searches are prevalent. That’s another reason to have an educational video as a brand.


The mission of interviews is to give more information about a product. In this case, industry experts and influencers are the ones who discuss the product. It’s another way of engagement through video content. What does it bring?  Imagine a respected person in some field talking about the benefits of your product. Isn’t it authority building? But let’s bypass the opposite case․ Let’s focus on the positive things.

It offers content diversity and various perspectives. One of the engaging solutions in marketing. And once again, honesty is the key.

Event Coverage

We always want to remember good things forever. That’s why we take photos and record videos. But special events need a special approach. Event coverage videos are the special approach that your event needs.

Their mission is to create a visual story about an event. This is another way to use the power of visual storytelling. It can give the process of event organizing. They provide high digital engagement. It’s like sharing the vibes of an event. In the end, it brings interest to a brand. And, of course, it makes others want to participate in future events.

This type of video marketing will make your event look like a movie. The event coverage video will serve as a trailer for a movie, which you can watch only by becoming a part of it.

Video Ads

We all see video ads. And some of us may have a favorite one. That’s one of the missions of video ads, to create a connection with us. But in simple terms, a video ad is video content that sells products or services. In this case, we are dealing with storytelling again. Because the responsibility of a video ad is to tell a story. It should grab the viewer's attention.

Let’s remember where we meet video ads. The first thing that comes to mind is TV. But actually, it’s just a similar area. Let’s move to the internet. More correctly - to websites and social media platforms. These are the most valuable platforms to use for video ads.

Sometimes, we can see them, for example, before a movie. And sometimes, we are allowed to skip the video ad after 5 or 10 seconds. So, what does it mean? It means that the first seconds are the most important. Simply, most people won’t watch till the end. The challenge of a video ad is to use these seconds in the best way. It can be the only chance to grab attention and turn a viewer into a consumer.

Again, the secret recipe is a good story and an impactful visualization. Often, video ads can become historical, and people can remember them for a long time. Another challenge is following video marketing trends. 

Benefits of Video Marketing

Suppose you are looking for ways to grow your business. In that case, the benefits of video marketing might be attractive to you. Video marketing can be helpful in various ways. Now, let’s navigate through its main benefits.

Video marketing improves SEO. Right video strategy drives organic traffic. This is because Google and other search engines prefer websites with video content. It will help your website rank in search results' first lines. And the other benefit is the mechanism of grabbing attention. If users find something interesting in the video, it increases their time on the website.

Video content improves conversion rates. Videos are powerful tools for bridging businesses and clients. Also, clients prefer videos. That’s why video content is engaging. Video marketing is one of the best call-to-actions. The probability is high that videos can turn viewers into clients.

Videos improve brand awareness. It creates a personal connection between a brand and its clients. It delivers the brand's message in the most valuable ways. It’s a way to keep up in the diverse market. And, of course, establish originality and highlight all the things that make a brand extra. Simply, it provides character to a brand.

There were the main benefits of video marketing. But it’s a serious trend, and its benefits can be endless!

Video Marketing Strategy

Marketing efforts would only be something with the right strategy. Video marketing couldn’t be an exception. Strategy is what makes your video content bring results. But how to start? Everything starts from an idea, as we know. But it’s not enough.

First, you should find a story you want to tell. Then, the goals of your video. Generally, video marketing should provide the following subjects.

  • Brand awareness - to attract a new set of clients.
  • Consideration - to engage an audience.
  • Decision - to make sales.        

There’s one more way! Videos can be made for those who have already purchased from you. Just to help them feel valued. Seems like we can do everything with videos. Internal videos can stand as a motivation for stuff. They also can engage new employees.

Production of Marketing Videos

Now, let’s see what kind of journey a video takes to reach its marketing goals. Making a well-crafted video that will complete its marketing mission takes time and effort.

The first step is pre-production. This stage is the basis of the successful video. Brainstorming, creative approach, and content planning make a solid basis. One of the crucial parts of the video is made during this stage. It’s the script that will fully reveal the video’s story.  

The next step of pre-production is to give a visualization of the video. The storyboard shows what the video will look like. It provides a scene-by-scene preview of your video.

After the pre-production process, the most exciting part begins. The production stage gives birth to the video. It makes your imagination real. We can say it’s the most responsible part of video creation. Everything is important for creating high-quality video. Lighting, camera angles, sound… Their mixture is creating a video, and they are all crucial elements.

However, to leave a lasting impact, visualization alone sometimes fails. The element that grabs attention and is responsible for the impact of the video is the right-chosen audio effects.

Post-production is the last stage. It will make the necessary edits and give the video its final appearance. Post-production is generally responsible for video editing, color correction, transitions, and visual effects. It’s the stage where all the video elements are collected to give it a professional appearance. When everything is done, the video will be ready to be posted!

Distribution and Promotion

To have a professional video is half of the work. Marketing videos should reach the right audience. Distribution and promotion will make it happen.

There are a few ways to distribute your video.

The first way is owned media. It’s the website, blog, and social media platforms that your brand owns. Owned media allows video creators to follow where the video is going or who is watching it. Also, it will create connections with your existing audience.

Earned media is another way. It will help your videos to take over social media. It provides organic growth to your brand visibility. In simple terms, people watch your videos, find something interesting, and share it with others. This can engage more consumers than you could through owned or paid media alone.

Another way of distribution is paid media. It’s an investment in advertising. Video content works well on almost every social media or digital platform. Services like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads offer ways to promote your content. They are also good at reaching targeted audiences, as we can remember.

The promotion itself has a few ways.

One of them is SEO Optimization. But how will that promote your content? First, you need optimized video titles, descriptions, and tags. It’s the way to get visibility in search engines.

Another helpful method is creating shareable content. It’s like engaging viewers in an action. The secret of this is an excellent call to action. It works if it makes a viewer want to share or like your video. But if it makes a viewer purchase and become a client, then your content is on top.

Performance Measurement

To discover the effectiveness of your video, we need performance measurement. We also can call it video analytics. But how does it work? It has its own tools and methods. Everything is in data and various metrics.

Key metrics are

  • views and watch time,
  • bounce, engagement, and conversion rate,
  • audience retention and traffic sources.

By analyzing these metrics, we can get the picture. This is a vital part of checking the effectiveness.

There are also various tools to have this job done. Tools like Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, and Social Media Insights help decide a video’s performance. They’re also good advisers for future video marketing actions.


Video marketing is an essential part of modern promotions. It’s proven scientifically that video is a crucial marketing method. Every brand needs to be remembered, and video is an effective method.

The marketing area is changing, and we see new trends every year. Video marketing couldn’t stay ahead. We learned about a few types and their benefits. But in fact, it is a much broader field. Technology growth brings new methods into video content marketing. It’s essential to keep up with trends and news. That’s the key to creating valuable and engaging content.

Marketing efforts wouldn't be as effective as they are with videos. And with the right analytics, your brand will be on everyone’s news feeds.

The digital world has its needs and manuals at the same time.

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